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October 16, 2014
Princeton Broadband Committee

Meeting Minutes October 16, 2014 7:00pm  - Town Hall Office, Princeton, MA

Chris Lynch (Millennium Design), and Phyllis Booth (Landmark) also attended.

Committee Members Present:

Ned Utzig
Phil O’Brien
Stan Moss
Petr Spacek
Bill Dino
Dag Olsen
John Kowaleski


  • Approve 10/8 Minutes – Unanimously Approved.
  • Millennium Meeting update from Stan – Met on Tues with M/M with John L. and Leverett Project manager.  Discussed original MOU with legal red-lining, new copies, discussed changes.  Small wording changes , decided on a Design/Build/Operate style of contract.  (DBO).  Princeton Attorney made changes, M/M has no problems with the changes.  Expect to sign on 10/20 barring no unexpected issues.
  • Matrix pulled out center of proposal and put it into a 1-page document.  Sign up criteria is now $200 down / 2 year contract.    Matrix will handle network operations/maintenance at the physical level and interface to the MLP.  Town MLP will likely run/manage the ISP.  
  • John K. – when would town be solicited for service?  Chris – network will take a while to build, don’t want users to wait too long before service.  Will wait until network is under construction before initiating signups.
  • Update on Make Ready costs from Stan.  Goal is to have an accurate/professional estimate that is reliable and credible.  Process completed on Wednesday.  Estimate includes pole survey estimate with Linx/PMLD/Verizon, including post-installation checking.  
  • Stan spent time with PMLD on make ready this week. Confirmed PMLD can host telecom hut, discussed preliminary layout of site, electric, propane generator, etc.
  • Discussion on make-ready police details.  Verizon make-ready details $50k.   
  • Current pole replacement count is 83. Plan to hire a special subcontractor to drill/set poles.  
  • Linx quote for consulting/accepting requirements.
  • Telcom hut 10x20 located in Pennsylvania, included in quote. Town resources could be utilized for part of the prep/install process.
  • $12K for legal  
  • Total estimate for make ready is $1.4M
  • Vote to recommend Stan’s make ready estimates to MLP/BOS as written.  Unanimously approved.
  • Vote to recommend the MLP request the BOS schedule a special town meeting for the purpose of borrowing funds for make-ready.  Unanimously Approved.
  • Chris  $25/service fee $35 operating fee $35/internet 30-50m $20 optional VOIP.
  • John K. and Stan going to Beckett for Wired West meeting on Saturday 10/18.
  • Ned will have FCC application details for next regular meeting on 10/22
  • Talked with Wired West regarding MBI, will probably schedule meeting with MBI regarding funding after special town meeting scheduled.
  • Phil has detailed timeline/calendar prepared for communication plan to town running up to meeting.

  • Stan would like the record to reflect that the board wishes Phil a happy anniversary!

Action Items

  • MLP/BOS meeting on 10/20
  • FCC application (Ned/Chris)
  • Millennium meting on 10/9 (Stan)
  • Update web site with latest status info (Rich)
  • Work on Communication Plan (Phil)
  • Attend FCC Webinar, work on application (Ned)

Upcoming Agenda Items

  • Special meeting of BBC with BOS/MLP on 10/20
  • Next weekly meeting 10/22.
  • Update on Town Communication Planning (Phil)
  • Update on FCC application process (Ned).
Meeting adjourned  8:10PM

Respectfully submitted,
Ned Utzig